Tod Marshall Poet Laureate Visit


Washington State Poet Laureate Tod Marshall came here on Thursday, January 26th, to give a poetry reading.

 The Washington State Poet Laureate program is jointly sponsored by the  Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) and Humanities Washington. Poets laureate work to build awareness and appreciation of poetry--through public readings, workshops, lectures and presentations in communities throughout the state.

Tod Marshall was born in Buffalo, New York.  He grew up in Wichita, Kansas.  He studied English and philosophy at Siena Heights University, earned an MFA from Eastern Washington University, and graduated with his PhD from The University of Kansas.  He directs the writing concentration and coordinates the visiting writers series at Gonzaga University where he is the Robert K. and Ann J. Powers Endowed Professor in the Humanities.  He enjoys backpacking and fishing and spends about a month of every year in a tent.  From 2016-2018, he will serve as the Washington State Poet Laureate.

His work has been published in many journals, including Narrative, The Southern Review, The American Poetry Review, The Iowa Review, Shenandoah, Boulevard, The Colorado Review, The Denver Quarterly, The Columbia Poetry Review, Poetry East, Poetry Northwest, Volt, Interim, The Canary, Willow Springs, Cutbank, The Georgia Review, The Kenyon Review, and elsewhere.


Made possible with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, Office of the Secretary of State.